Closed Mon & Tues
Open Wed, Thur 10 - 4 | Fri 10 - 6
Sat & Sun 9.30 - 4
01452 712260

Terms & Conditions

If you are not happy with any of our cakes, coffee, milkshake, ice cream, waffles or more, please tell a member of staff at the point of sale. We can then provide a replacement for you. If you leave the cake shop without telling a member of staff you are dissatisfied with a product at point of sale, we reserve the right to not provide a replacement as we cannot guarantee the quality of the product since having left the cake shop. We will not tolerate any abuse toward our staff and reserve the right to refuse service to any customer.

When ordering a product with us, your date will not be secured until a deposit or full payment is received. If your order 2 months or less before the order date, full payment is required. If it is over more than 2 months in advance a £20 non-refundable deposit is required to secure your date in advance. Deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable (except under exceptional circumstances). If for whatever reason you need to change the date, please let me know as soon as you can, and I will try my best to rearrange. If an order must be cancelled by myself, a full refund will be provided. The final balance is to be paid in full 4 weeks prior to your order date, if payment is not received prior to the event, I reserve the right to refuse your order.

Quotes are valid and price honoured for four weeks from the date you are provided with a quote, after this time a requote will need to be provided and the original quote price is invalid.

To secure and save your date, once we have agreed on a design, a 50% non-refundable deposit is required to confirm your order. The balance is to be paid in full 8 weeks prior to your wedding date. Cancellation of orders and return of deposit are considered on an individual basis with up to 28 days prior to the due date. You can request alterations to your wedding cake up to six weeks prior to your wedding date or collection/delivery date, after this after no alterations can be made. Bookings for 2024 & 2025, due to the ever-rising costs of ingredients, electric and supplies bookings for 2024 onwards our prices may be subject to a 10% price increase. If you need change the date or postpone, please contact me as soon as possible to discuss, if I can accommodate this I will but I cannot guarantee this will be possible. Payment details will be on your electronic invoice, via BACS transfer or our website. If you wish to pay in cash, please arrange this with me prior and must be paid person. The final balance is to be paid in full 8 weeks prior to your wedding date, if payment is not received prior to the event, I reserve the right to refuse your order.

All our cakes are bespoke, handmade, and personalised, each cake will be designed and discussed with you prior to cake creation. When placing your order, feel free to send over reference/images/inspirations (either from my page or the internet). I will never identically copy an image or someone else's work. I research the right to make last minute small changes to the cake design if i feel it is appropriate to achieve a professional finish. Due to supplier issues, if I am unable to purchase a specific
chocolate/sweet/products to place on top of the cake I reserve the right to make last minute changes. I do not provide fully covered fondant cakes; I can offer small fondant cake toppers/decorations. Alternatively, please ask for other cake makers who offer these services. Cake sizing, please always let me know how many people you wish the cake to serve, and I can best advice. Cakes can look taller or shorter depending on size, please inform me during the discussion stage.

Please do let me know of any allergies that need to be consider at the cake discussion stage. While free from gluten and nuts may not be a key ingredient in some of our products, all our products are produced in the same kitchen where products containing various nut and gluten items are created. Products may contain or come into contact with milk, wheat, nuts, soy, and other allergens. You agree to notify your guests of this risk. All cakes are packaged with allergens labels and information. Our vegan cakes are made in an external kitchen which also contains milk, egg, butter, wheat, nuts, soy, and other allergens.

Nuts: While nuts may not be a key ingredient in some of our products, all our products are produced in the same kitchen where products containing various nut items are created.

Gluten: We do offer free from gluten cakes. Please note, they are made in the same environment as gluten, but all equipment, tools and work surfaces are fully washed before use to make them free from gluten bakes.

Egg / Diary free: We do not offer Vegan / egg or diary free occasion cake or pre-order cakes. However, we have a few options from our cake counter during our shop opening hours.

If flowers are provided by another company (not me), you acknowledge and take full responsibility that fresh flowers are not a food product, and may contain pesticides, insects, dirt, or other contaminants. Please do not consume any flowers that are not safe for humans to eat (i.e., edible flowers)

Unless specified that you do not wish me to use photos of your cake, I reserve the right to use any photographs for my own reference, display or promotional advertisement without compensation to you. For wedding photos, I will always ask for the photographer/company so that I can credit their work.

Churchdown delivery is free of charge, other local delivery is at a cost based on location and will be arranged, agreed, and paid prior to delivery. You can collect your cake from The Village Cakery shop in Churchdown if you wish, however I cannot be responsible for any damage to the cake once it has left my premises. The Village Cakery release liability should the venue move the cake after I have set it up, it will be solely their responsibility and liability should damage occur. Please also be aware of high temperatures, this can adversely affect your cake. It is your responsibility to arrange with the venue an appropriate spot for the cake, out of direct sunlight and away from unnecessary heat such as radiators or open fires. It is important that you discuss the cake table arrangements with your venue, ensuring there will be a safe and level table available the morning of your wedding. My cakes are stacked well, with cake dowels and thick cake boards for support, the cakes will not withstand and violent jolting, bumping, harsh breaking in transit. When transporting your cake, please pick up at the bottom, use the cake board to move and hold, do not use the sides of the cake board - this will damage or remove buttercream from the cake onto the cardboard box. If you are collecting your cake, it should be transported on a flat surface such as the foot-well or the boot of the car, not on someone's knee. Before collecting your cake, put the air conditioning on to make a cool environment for the cake, once collected keep the air conditioning on during transit. I cannot be held responsible for any damage incurred due to poor transportation and I will not be able to refund or remake the cake if it damaged, once it has left the cake shop, it is no longer my responsibility.

All cakes will have been kept in the fridges at The Village Cakery shop. Once it is removed from our fridge, after transporting to destination, please put it back in the fridge until presentation time. The risk of taking it out of the fridge before required is the design may leak, become fragile, or possibly fall over, buttercream does melt and separate. Cupcakes and brownies do not need to be kept in the fridge but do need to be kept in a cool, dry place. Anything with fresh fruit/cream/cheese needs to be kept in the fridge. Celebration cakes/ cupcakes/brownies will last up to a week but will be at their freshest in the first two days. If you have any questions about lifespan or storage, please just ask. As we bake fresh cakes, your cake can be frozen if wrapped properly in clingfilm for up to 3 months!

Some cakes will have plastic cake dowels and wooden boards in between the layers to help with support and tiered cakes. Please remove these before consuming the cake. This is also the case any other non-edible items such as polystyrene balls, fake flowers, card/acrylic toppers, cocktail sticks, plastic toys, flower plastic holders etc.

In the case of a cake emergency or an error with your cake please contact me immediately so I can fix the issue straight away. If you are unhappy with your cake, for any reason, please call me on the day. In the rare case that you are unhappy with your cake and would like a refund, your cake must be returned, or a collection requested on the day. Without proof that you are indeed unhappy with the product and will not be using it for your wedding, we are unable to refund any portion of your payment. All cakes are photographed at The Village Cakery shop before they leave for delivery.

Should your party/birthday/occasion/wedding be affected by a UK national lockdown, your deposit will be moved onto your new date. No additional charges will apply if the cake is re-booked within 12 months of the original wedding date. Should your wedding move by more than 12 months or move to a new venue, additional charges may be applied. If for any reason I am unable to accommodate your new date and the postponement is solely down to a national lockdown, then a refund will be issued. Should your cake need to be postponed due to the Bride or Groom having covid (when not in a national lockdown) no additional charges will apply if the party/birthday/occasion/wedding is re-booked within 6 months of the original wedding date. All other reasons will be considered on a individual basis and I will try to be as flexible as I can but I cannot guarantee a new date due to other bookings and our availability.

By placing an order and making payment, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions. If you have any questions regarding any of the above, please email us;

Thank you for reading, The Village Cakery.
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